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Faszination Textil

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.


Below are the contact persons of the STFI's individual research and service areas.

Do you have questions about specific topics or are you interested in a cooperation? Please contact us. Our competent team will be happy to provide you with information on current research projects or services offered in the field of testing and certification.

We are looking forward to your email or your call.




Dr. Heike Illing-Günther
Managing Director

Claudia Bartl
Management Assistant




Michael Wiegner
Commercial Manager

Daniela Immer, M. Sc.
Project Administration

Janine Gündel
Human Resources

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Astrid Schilling
Procurement Management




Dr.-Ing. Yvette Dietzel
Research Director



Nonwovens I Recycling

Patrick Engel, M. Sc.
Manager Center of Excellence in Nonwovens

Needle-punched Nonwovens, Fibre Nonwovens, Spunlaced Nonwovens

Dipl.-Ing. Tim Hühnerfürst
Research Associate

Spunbonded Nonwovens, Meltblown Nonwovens, Chemical Bonding, Materials

Dipl.-Des. (FH) Tina Borchert
Research Associate

Fibre Nonwovens, Stitchbonded Nonwovens

Liana Lein, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Nonwoven Composites, Biopolymers, Natural Fibres, Wipes, Spunlaced Nonwovens, Textile Filter

Johannes Leis, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Textile Recycling, Sustainability

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Nestler
Research Associate

Spunlaced Nonwovens, Nonwoven Composites, Carded Nonwovens, Measurment Technique

Dipl.-Chem. Wolfgang Schilde
Research Associate

Nonwovens, Textile Recycling

Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schimanz
Research Associate

Needle-punched Nonwovens, Nonwoven Composites, Needle-punched Spacer Nonwovens, Textile Filter

Dipl.-Ing./Dipl.-WI Ina Sigmund
Research Associate

Preparation and Quality Assessment of Natural Fibres, Sliver and Yarn Manufacturing, Fibre Nonwovens, Nonwoven Composites

Dipl.-Ing. Chem. (FH) Johanna Spranger
Research Associate

Meltblown Nonwovens,  Chemical Treatment, Biopolymers, Textile Filter

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mulham Tahhan
Research Associate

Spunlaced Nonwovens, Nonwoven Composites, Measurement and Sensors

Dipl.-WA Ralf Taubner
Research Associate

Spunbonded Nonwovens, Meltblown Nonwovens, Needle-punching and Finishing of Spunbonded Nonwovens, Biopolymers



Technical woven and knitted Fabrics

Dipl.-Ing. Elke Thiele
Manager Technical woven and knitted Fabrics

Smart textiles, protective textiles, luminous and sensor textiles, knitting, warp knitting, cut protection, processing of optical fibres, textiles for water and exhaust air purification, engineering biology and applied hydrobiology, medical textiles

Dipl.-Ing. Heike Metschies
Research Associate

Building textiles, textiles for concrete reinforcement, textiles for gardening, landscaping and hydraulic engineering

Jens Stopp, Master Textile Technology
Head of STFI Akademie

Head of Technical Center Weaving and Knitting

Dipl.-Ing. Corinna Falck
Research Associate

Building textiles, functionalisation of textiles, smart textiles

Sebastian Jobst, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Reinforcing structures, intelligent textiles in care and medicine, nets and ropes, textile machine development

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Franz Klötzer
Research Associate

Reinforcing structures, special textiles, textile machine development

Jenny Liebelt, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Medical Textiles, Sustainability, Smart Technical  Textiles

Dipl.-Phys. Nadine Liebig
Research Associate

Intelligent textiles in care and medicine

Dipl.-Biol. Jens Mählmann
Research Associate

Textiles for water and exhaust air purification, engineering biology and applied hydrobiology, medical textiles, embroidery

Theresa Meixner, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Medical Textiles, Sustainability, Smart Technical  Textiles

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Metzner
Research Associate

Textile machine construction, embroidery, KEMAFIL® technology

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Weigand
Research Associate

Smart textiles, solar textiles, sensor technology, network development



Functionalisation I Composites

Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz
Manager Functionalisation I Composites

Hotmelts and Laminates, UV Curing, Material Characterisation

Christopher Albe, M. Sc.
Head of Group Textile Lightweight Engineering

Carbon Fibre Recycling, Composite Production

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Eichhorst
Research Associate

Composite Production

Dipl.-Ing. Katrin Jobke
Research Associate

Thermoplastic Composites, Production processes

Tobias Richter, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Functional printing, surface functionalisation, material characterisation

Dipl.-Ing. Marco Sallat
Research Associate

Ecology, environmental analysis, microbiological testing

Lydia Seiferth, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Environmental analysis, microbiological testing, material characterisation

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dirk Wenzel
Research Associate

Textile Laser Applications

Dr.-Ing. Sarah Lysann Zedler
Research Associate

Functional printing, surface functionalisation



Intelligent Production Systems

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Zschenderlein
Manager Intelligent production systems, modelling and process management

Digitalisation of manufacturing processes

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Andreas Böhm
Research Associate

Interconnected machine systems, digitalisation of manufacturing processes, responsible for technical setup of the research and test field

Dipl.-Geogr. Marco Barteld
Research Associate

Digitalisation of manufacturing processes, databases and data protection

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Pfaff
Research Associate

Automated customised textile production, robotics and smart logistics systems

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) Sven Reichel
Research Associate

Digitalisation of manufacturing processes, modelling and simulation

Dipl.-Ing. Falko Schubert
Research Associate

Automated customised textile production, robotics and safety systems

Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Seeger
Research Associate

Digitalisation of manufacturing processes, retrofit and artificial intelligence



International Cooperation I Public Relations I Transfer

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Zschenderlein
Manager Transfer



International Cooperation I Transfer

Dr. rer. nat. Anna Große
Research Associate

EU projects, Project Management, Networks

Dipl.-Ing. Romy Naumann
Research Associate

EU projects, Project Management, Networks

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sandra Döhler
Research Associate

Project Management, Networks



Public Relations

Kareen Pfab, M. A.
Press and Print Media

Dipl.-Des. (FH) Berit Lenk
Trade Fairs, Events and Graphics

Alexandra Köhler
Seminars and Events

Tilo Bauch, M. A.
Websites and Social Media




Dipl.-Inform. Hendrik Beier
Vice Managing Director

Head of Service Department and Certification Department for Protective Textiles PPE

Dr. rer. nat. Sabine Kaufmann
Quality Management Representative

Nico Winter, M. A.
Deputy Quality Management Officer



Accredited Test Lab

Dipl.-Ing. Marian Hierhammer
Manager Accredited Test Lab

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Catrin Helbig
Deputy Head of Testing Laboratory

Textile physiological and ergonomic testing, examination of penetration/protective behaviour, colour fastness test, weathering test, burning test

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Susann Meier
Manager Textile Physical Laboratory

Textile physical testing

Denise Braun
Deputy Head of STFI Akademie

Laboratory Organisation, Textile Chemical Testing

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Manuela Fritzsch
Research Associate

Textile physiological and ergonomic testing, examination of penetration/protective behaviour, colour fastness test, weathering test, burning test

Mathias Kermer
Textile Laboratory Assistant

Testing of geosynthetics and fibre composites, Load securing tests

Dipl.-Ing. Ute Kreißig
Technical Assistance

Testing of filter media (air filtration) and particle filtering half masks

Dipl.-Ing. Ulf Niersmann
Technical Assistance

Testing of filter media (air filtration) and particle filtering half masks

Patrick Reinhardt, M. Sc.
Research Associate

Textile physiological and ergonomic tests (skin model), assessment of sun protection textiles, damage analysis and complaint processing

Dr. rer. nat. Antje Melzer
Research Associate

Textile chemical and human ecological testing, testing according to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, instrumental pollutant analysis, material characterisation

Dipl.-Ing. Angela Geu
Research Associate

Testing according to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100

Simone Schröter
Textile Laboratory Assistant

Special Optical and Physical Testing



Certification Department

Dipl.-Inform. Hendrik Beier
Manager Certification Department

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marion Dixneit
Deputy Head of Certification Department

Multifunctional protective clothing for all industrial sectors

Daniela Beck
Specialist Certifier

Heat protective clothing

Doreen Becker
Textile Laboratory Assistant

Specialisation in warning and foul weather testing

René Beyer
Specialist Certifier

Arc flash testing and arc protection

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Berit Böhme
Specialist Certifier

Heat protective clothing, chemical protective clothing

Dipl.-Ing. Sibylle Fritzsche
Specialist Certifier

Protective gloves, chemical protective clothing, work wear in food business

Dipl.-Ing. Linda Müller
Specialist Certifier

Heat protective clothing

Dorothee Hofmann, B. Eng.
Specialist Certifier

High-visibility clothing and protection against rain, rescue service clothing

Theresa Pietschmann, B. Sc.
Specialist Certifier

Heat and flame protective clothing

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Vogel
Research Associate

Specialisation in garments with electrostatic properties

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