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Faszination Textil

Functionalisation I Composites

Technical Equipment

The STFI provides the whole development process: starting from developing formulations for functional dispersions and thermoplastics and their characterization to small-scale samples and the up-scaling to small-quantity manufacturing on semi-industrial pilot equipment.

An overview of our machinery equipment for surface functionalization and composite formation can be found here.


Any questions?

Your contact

Dr. rer. nat.
Ralf Lungwitz
Manager Functionalisation I Composites

Phone: +49 371 5274-248

Dispersing & compounding

  • noris-ZSC 25, Noris Plastic GmbH & Co. KG
Screw length
Screw diameter
Screw speed
Screw torque (single)
Heating / cooling zones
Strand cooling by water bath, drying by blower and strand pelletizer
Venting by vacuum pump possible
(L/D) 36
25 mm
max. 800 rpm
82 Nm
8 (max. 300 °C)
3 x solid, 1 x liquid
1 up to 40 kg/h


  • Incorporation of additives
  • Reduction of particle sizes, precise, narrow particle size distribution
  • Homogenisation of dispersions
Available facilities:
  • Dispermill Vango 100, ATP Engineering B.V.
  • High speed disperser Ultra-Turrax T25, IKA®-Werke GmbH & CO. KG
  • Dreiwalzwerk, EXAKT 80, E Exakt Advanced Technologies GmbH
  • Hansa-Pico-Mix, Hansa Industrie-Mixer GmbH & Co. KG, Stuhr/Heiligenrode
Foam densities
1,2 – 12 kg/h
50 – 800 g/l
up to 4000 mPas


Material characterisation

  • MCR 502, Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria
Measurement of rheological properties (shear viscosity,
complex viscosity, yield point, loss modulus, storage modulus of
Dispersions and suspensions
In-Situ UV-LED curing possible

up to 450 °C
up to 210 °C
  • BP100, Krüss GmbH, Hamburg
Determination of the dynamic surface tension
Surface age (bubble age)
Temperature controlled
Characterisation and optimisation of liquids, inks,
finishing liquors regarding to dynamic processes
like spraying, coating and printing
from 10 - 100 mN/m
5 – 200.000 ms
from -10 °C up to 130 °C
Heating rate
Heat flow range
up to 600 °C
0 – 99 K/min
± 40µW


  • DSA25 Expert, Krüss GmbH, Hamburg
Drop shape analysis with high speed camera
Software controlled dosing system
Determination of free surface energy of solids
Determination of the surface tension of liquids (pendant drop method)
up to 2300 fps
  • JetXpert, ImageXpert Inc., Nashua, USA
  • In flight drop characterisation and statistical analytics
  • Check of printability of fluids and inks
  • Waveform engineering for printhead Ricoh MH 5420 (Gen 5)
  • Open for other printhead manufacturers
  • Particle Size Analyser PSA 1190 LD, Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria

Determination of particle sizes by using multi-laser technology

Measuring range of wet dispersed samples
Measuring range of dry dispersed samples
0,04 µm to 2500 µm
0,1 µm to 2500 µm
Optional use of a small volume unit for
minimal volumes (e.g. costly samples)

Coating & finishing

  • Werner Mathis AG, Switzerland
  • Semi-automated
  • Knife coating (air, roll and blanket)
  • Quick lamination unit
  • Coating speed from 0.1-4.0 m/min
  • Werner Mathis AG, Switzerland
Working width
Squeezing pressure
max. 500 mm
0,1 – 10 m/min
0,5 – 6 bar
Impregnation in bath and nip
Fluids: water-based, cold pad dying

BA 6792

  • Werner Mathis AG, Switzerland
Working width

max. 500 mm
0,1 – 5 m/min
max. 230 °C
Application units:
Padding unit
Knife coating unit (air, roll and blanket), direct and transfer
Wet- and dry lamination unit (substrate thickness)
Reverse-Roll-Coating unit
Slot die unit
(Bead-Coating-, Curtain-Coating-, Web-Tension-Mode)
Experimental set-up for digital printing and coating

max. 30 mm
Inline Corona pre-treatment
Spraying unit

max. 1,6 kW

Drying and curing
IR pre- / post drying
stenter frame unit with convection dryer
UV-curing by:
- Hg-medium pressure lamp, IST Metz GmbH
- UV-LED emitter (Integration Technology Ltd)
- inertisation chamber

> 3000 nm
max. 230°C

365 und 395 nm
Fluids and pastes:
Water-based dispersions, foames, sol-gel systems, rubber, silicones, plastisols, high-solid systems, UV-curable systems


  • Stentex GmbH, Gera
Working width
Working speed
Dryer length
Heating zones

0,5 – 2 m
2,4 – 40 m/min
25 – 250 °C
6 m
Application unit:
Padding unit


  • Suchy Textilmaschinenbau GmbH, Korbußen
  • Slot die FKV series Robatech GmbH, Bad Camberg
Working width
Speed at RnD mode
200 mm up to 800 mm
up to 230 °C
up to zu 5 m/min


  • Lab scale dyeing unit type JFO, Werner Mathis AG, Switzerland
Sample weight
High temperature treatment
pre-/posttreatments, dyeing

up to 1,2 kg
up to 140 °C

Application methodsJet dyeing
Drum/barrel dyeing
cross-wound bobbin dyeing
Small mug dyeing
  • Laborjigger, Ernst Benz AG, Switzerland
Web width
Heated bath
Automated passages
max. 500 mm
max. 95 °C
0,5 – 11 m/min


Lamination & joining

  • Anger Electronic GmbH, Austria
  • Calendaring by two heated rolls: Teflon roller / rubber roller
Gap adjustment
max. 600 mm
max. 220 °C
max. 5 m/min
0 – 50 mm
max. 6 bar


  • MPBL 800 CV, Lacom Vertriebs GmbH
Application width
Application weight
Application speed
Full cover, dot pattern coating

max. 800 mm
5 – 350 g/m²
0,5 – 20 m/min
2000 – 80000 mPas
max. 230 °C
flat roller, engraved rollers (CP96, CP103, truncated pyramid)
Inline corona pre-treatment
Additional rewinder for transfer coatings

max. 1,6 kW
  • Thermofix® LP, Schott & Meissner Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH, Blaufelden
Gap adjustment
Pressure (calendering roller)

up to 800 mm
0,1 – 20 m/min
0 – 140 mm
25 – 235 °C
0 – 7 bar
Powder scatterer with different rollers (fine, medium, coarse)
for hotmelt adhesive powders and fibres
Processing of thermoplastic hotmelt adhesives
(webs, nets, nonwovens, powder)


Functional Printing

  • Fabrikat CVM GmbH, Neukirchen

Application units for functional printings:

  • Filament-Extruder for application of thermoplastic Filaments (Fused Layer Modeling)
  • Application head with needle valve for application of thermoplastic polymers (powders, granules)
  • Dispensing for application of different coating pastes and inks (water-based dispersions, plastisols, high-solid systems, UV-curable systems)
Print bed size
Printing height
UV-LED – Spot Wavelength

700 mm x 1200 mm
max. 130 mm
max. 256°C or 220°C
365 nm, 385nm, 400nm


  • Systec Industrial Systems GmbH, Münster
3 different application heads:
2K-Mixing head for inks
Jetvalve for inks and reactive systems

Print bed size
Printing height
Heated printing bed
Heated printing space

up to 350 °C

650 x 850
450 mm
up to 100 °C
up to 60 °C


  • aQ-1212R, druckprozess GmbH & Co. KG, Eisenach
  • printhead: MH5420 (Gen5), Ricoh Printing Systems America Inc., USA
Print bed size
CMYK water-based Pigment ink (Diamontex P)
2 additional printheads for functional inks
Inline NIR-drying Lambda Physics
(NIR-Powerheat PH MF U 5-1, Lambda Technology GmbH, Grafing)
1200 x 1200 mm²

up to 2700 W
Micro valve print head, drop-on-demand
Maximum nozzle size

180 µm resp. 350 µm
  • RP 2.2, Rokuprint GmbH, Dornstadt
Universal screen printing machine for flat printing applications
Pneumatic squeegee unit with separately adjustable
pressure and pre-squeegee
Printing format

up to 700 x 320 mm

Laser processing

  • Avia X355-10, Fabrikat Laser On Demand GmbH, Hannover
Wave lenght
Editing area

355 nm (10 W)
120 x 120 mm² (Scanner)


  • Fabrikat Laser On Demand GmbH, Hannover
Wave lenght 1
Wave lenght 2
Editing area
Sheet-to-Sheet, Roll-to-Sheet and Roll-to-Roll

355 nm (14 W)
10600 nm (80 W)
700 mm
  • M-1200, Fabrikat eurolaser GmbH, Lüneburg
Wave lenght
Editing area
Engrave and cut in greyscale

10600 nm (400 W)
1200 x 1200 mm²

Fields of application



Research News


The objectives of the project are the development of conductive carbon black (carbon) and copper (copper) based formulations, which enable the generation of electrically conductive, dissipative and sensory structures on textile substrates and represent a significantly more cost-effective alternative to silver-based systems. In addition, the focus is on the development of single-layer and multilayer structures, taking into account textile-ink interaction and film formation between copper and carbon black layers.



Tobias Richter, M. Sc
+49 371 5274-285

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C6C8 turn GREEN – An ecological alternative for fluorocarbon finishing

The demand for permanent water-, dirt- and oil-repellent properties of functional textiles is achieved according to the current state of the art by application with fluorinated polymers (FP) or per- or polyfluorinated low molecular weight chemicals (PFC).

The beneficial properties achieved with FP on textiles are offset by ecological and human ecological risks. Currently, leading manufacturers of textile auxiliaries are engaged in the development of high-performance fluorine-free products. Unfortunately, studies show that these products do not meet the requirements in the area of oil repellency compared to fluorocarbon finishing. With the development of fluorine-free surface modifiers, the project aims at a sustainable finishing of textiles without limiting their functional properties. Ultrahydrophobic, oil-repellent and soil-repellent textile finishes are to be synthesised and applied according to a novel concept. The developments are aimed at small or medium-sized companies in the field of technical textiles, HOMETECH, PORTTECH, MEDTECH, PROTECH, MOBILTECH. With the use of functional finishes, these companies are to expand their business using their core competences.



Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz
+49 371 5274-248

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