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Faszination Textil

Recruiting young talents and skilled workers

STFI Akademie Breakfast

The shortage of skilled labour is a challenge for our society. The textile industry, like other industries, must take appropriate measures to maintain its performance. At our second Akademie breakfast, we want to discuss how we can reach the next generation in the long term. How can we make textile professions attractive to the young skilled workers?

How do I qualify these workers with different prior knowledge? What regulatory aspects have to be taken into account recently? Where can I get support as an entrepreneur?

Come and talk to the team of our STFI Akademie and contact persons of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Employment Agency to discuss opportunities for your highly qualified skilled workers of tomorrow.


Information on the event

Date3 April 2025
Schedule8.30 am - 12.00 pm
VenueSächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)
Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz
 Participation is free of charge.

This event will be held in German!



Date and registration

3 April 2025 – 3rd Akademie Breakfast

Organisation & Registration

Kareen Pfab, M. A.
Public Relations
+49 371 5274-197

Denise Braun
Deputy Head of STFI Akademie
+49 371 5274-251

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