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Faszination Textil

Intelligent Production Systems

Services & Transfer

Digitisation, as the megatrend of our time, is challenge, driver and opportunity at the same time for the textile industry and is a concern for manufacturers of yarns, fabrics, geosynthetics or textile machines, as well as finishers, outfitters and garment makers.

STFI offers a wide range of support services for interested companies in order to bring Industrie 4.0 and digitisation to the textile industry. This ranges from free information events as part of the Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Textil vernetzt to company-specific workshops, training courses or even test trials. The focus is always on the sector-specific and individual challenges of the companies.



Any questions?


Dirk Zschenderlein
Department Manager Intelligent Production Systems

Phone: +49 371 5274-283

  • Guided (online) tours of the STFI's research and experimental fields on various digitisation topics
  • Company-specific as well as topic-related workshops
  • Conception and implementation of individual training courses (national and international)
  • Status quo analyses on the state of digitisation in the company
  • Support in the conception of roadmap
  • Support in the implementation of digitisation measures
  • Test trials and development of demonstrators

Cooperations & Networks

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