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International Cooperation I Transfer


INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE was a European Union Structural Funds programme and promoted transnational European cooperation between the Central European countries. It supported innovative cooperation projects to strengthen competitiveness and territorial cooperation. The strategic approach was reflected in four priorities and aimed at strengthening research, innovation and technological development, promoting a low-carbon society, protecting the environment and improving resource efficiency as well as transport and network infrastructure. In the period from 2014 to 2020, financial resources amounting to €246.5 million were made available from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Romy Naumann
+49 371 5274-186


Dr. rer. nat. Anna Große
+49 371 5274-282


Research projects

Expert Network on Textile Recycling


Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento Spa (CENTROCOT) / IT

Technology area

Regional and strategic development

Application area

European textile and clothing sector

Short description

The project aimed to strengthen the cooperation between the five involved European textile regions in the field of textile recycling and to establish a joint offer through innovative services by local research centres and business associations with the help of a virtual platform. For the development of a Strategic Agenda and an Action Plan for the implementation of the project objectives, stakeholders from business, public administration, research and development were involved to generate and promote ideas and measures on the topic of circular economy.

Project duration

01 Jul 2017 – 30 Nov 2020

Project partners

10 partners from 5 countries






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