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Faszination Textil

Textile recycling

Technical Equipment

Textile recycling is a traditional research focus at STFI. The technical possibilities of mechanical processing offer multiple opportunities for recycling. For some time now, and with the changes in the textile industry, the focus has been on textiles made of special fibre materials and on textiles with special functions. The close connection to nonwovens is not coincidental, although recently there has been a renewed focus on spinnable fibre qualities.

Our colloquium "recycling for textiles", which has been taking place since 1993, and the ZIM cooperation network RE4TEX are only two of numerous indications of the topicality of the subject.


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Your contact

Patrick Engel, M. Sc.
Manager Center of Excellence in Nonwovens

Phone: +49 371 5274-209

  • Waste shredding according to the guillotine principle as a preliminary stage of the tearing process
ConfigurationMobile single machine in reinforced design
Cutting of textile waste and fibrous materials
Working width450mm
Cutting lengths6 to 120 mm
  • Single-cylinder laboratory tearing machine for simulation of tearing processes
ConfigurationSingle machine with variable feed system and 6 differently equipped interchangeable cylinders (hook teeth, pins, saw tooth)
Working width600 mm
Cylinder diameter750 mm
Cylinder speedup to 1000 min-1


  • Special machine with open rotor cage for shredding textile waste
ConfigurationSingle machine with variable screen inserts for the realisation of sizes between 10 and 40 mm, material discharge via cyclone


ConfigurationsSingle machine in the recycling center with spray system and condenser for fibre placement
Working widthup to 1500 mm
Material throughput500 kg/h
Working medium pressuremax. 42 MPa
Tambour diameter520 mm

Cooperation network for sustainable textile recycling


The ZIM network RE4TEX® (Recycling for Textiles) focuses on activities related to the recycling of textile production waste.


The optimisation of existing and the development of completely new recycling processes, the application of processes from other sectors and the instruments of recycling-friendly design as well as sustainable management are strategic fields of action of the network and are considered within the framework of the network activities. Actors from different fields come together to develop and implement innovative approaches to solutions for process and technology applications by combining existing competences.

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Cooperations & Networks

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