Intelligent Production Systems
The state-of-the-art machines and software systems at STFI are utilised for the exemplary presentation of use cases and for research into digital processes in textile production. Two research and test fields for the production of technical textiles have been set up for this purpose and are being continuously developed. The focus is on the topics of "networked production" and "self-controlling nonwoven production".
Many prototypical, industry-specific demonstrators have been created already within the framework of the research work of STFI and on the basis of the exchange with textile companies and technology providers. Interested companies are invited to visit the "Textile Factory of the Future" to test existing technologies and demonstrators or to develop them further together with the STFI.
Any questions?
Dirk Zschenderlein
Department Manager Intelligent Production Systems
Phone: +49 371 5274-283
Networking of machine systems
- Production planning and control
- Smart logistics systems
- Identification and positioning technologies
- Modelling and optimisation of production processes and material properties
Your contact
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. | Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA)
Digitisation of manufacturing processes
- Assistance systems
- Data acquisition, processing, evaluation and protection
- Retrofitting of machines
- Simulation of material flows
- Artificial intelligence
Your contact
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) | Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Geogr.
Automated customised textile production
- Robotics and automation
- 2D, 3D printing and laser systems
Your contact
Dipl.-Ing. Falko Schubert Dipl.-Ing. (FH) | Dr. Frank Siegel
Research News
KIMONO – Customised modelling of neurodermatitis textiles
Project KIMONO deals with the topic of how neurodermatitis textiles can be individually modelled and configured. The aim is to develop a tool with which neurodermatitis clothing can be customised and made up. In addition to neurodermatitis-active additives, new material combinations will also be included in this development, so that even innovative textile surfaces can be expected as potential preliminary products.
Dipl.-Geogr. Marco Barteld
+49 371 5274-188
TOPAS – Physiologically optimised protective masks for everyday use
Respiratory masks are a hindrance when breathing and speaking, they fog up the glasses, slip and usually do not make the best impression visually either. In the TOPAS project, an alliance of science and industry has made a contribution to optimising the protective effect and wearing comfort as well as the general acceptance of respiratory masks suitable for everyday use for all age groups.
(Picture: Cross-section of a mask with basic body, filter module and filter cover)
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) Sven Reichel
+49 371 5274-193