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Faszination Textil

Technical woven and knitted fabrics

Processes, Technologies, Products

The department of technical woven and knitted fabrics provides a huge number of textile machines to demonstrate a variety of industry related textile manufacturing chains. In close cooperation with research and industrial partners we enhance existing and develop new techniques in the -field of woven and knitted fabrics. With the development of new material combinations, new manufacturing processes and corresponding test methods we are a competent partner for research and development.

Any questions?

Your contact

Elke Thiele
Manager Technical woven and knitted fabrics

Phone: +49 371 5274-243



Textile lightweight / reinforcement structures

  • Textile structures, semi-finished products for composites for lightweight construction
  • Development, construction and design of components/preforms/ reinforcement structures (e. g. warp-knitted fabrics, spacer fabrics, woven fabrics, knitted fabrics, etc.)
  • Near-net-shape manufacturing (resource and material efficiency, high substance utilization, waste avoidance)
  • Local reinforcements
  • Processing of high-performance materials (carbon, glass, basalt, aramid, etc.)
  • Consideration of drape behaviour



Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Franz Klötzer
+49 371 5274-281

Dipl.-Ing. Heike Metschies
+49 371 5274-213

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Metzner
+49 371 5274-212

Sebastian Jobst, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-270



Intelligent textiles in care and medicine

  • Smart auxiliary and care textiles
  • Monitoring of vital functions by textile structures
  • Spacer fabrics for patient positioning
  • Textile medical products and medical aids
  • Orthoses and textile support structures for the musculoskeletal system
  • Cooling and heating systems in bandages/orthoses
  • Textiles for filter systems/dialysis

Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Elke Thiele
+49 371 5274-243

Sebastian Jobst, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-270

Dipl.-Phys. Nadine Liebig
+49 371 5274-271

Theresa Meixner, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-225

Dipl.-Ing. Corinna Falck
+49 371 5274-252

Dipl.-Biol. Jens Mählmann
+49 371 5274-240

Jenny Liebelt, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-279

Building/environment geotextiles/ geosynthetics

  • Textile reinforcements for building construction and civil engineering
  • Double curved curtain panels
  • Luminous concrete
  • Components for lightweight bridges
  • Urban greening/ landscaping
  • Textile structures for frontage greening
  • Textile mats for greening flat and pitched roofs
  • Floating plant islands
  • Use of renewable raw materials for slope stabilization and renaturation
  • Electrodes for the electro osmosis process for soil drainage
  • Wick drains for soil and slope stabilization
  • Collector mats for solar thermal energy
  • Modular heating and cooling systems
  • Textile growth supports for water purification

Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Heike Metschies
+49 371 5274-213

Dipl.-Ing. Corinna Falck
+49 371 5274-252

Jens Mählmann

+49 371 5274-240

Dipl.-Ing. Elke Thiele
+49 371 5274-243

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Metzner
+49 371 5274-212


Special textiles

  • Sensor textiles with protection and alarm function
  • Cut-resistant structures with alarm function
  • Integrated product protection with RFID systems
  • Smart luminous structures/smart shading systems
  • Luminescent shading elements
  • Sun sails
  • Large-scale luminous textiles

Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. Elke Thiele
+49 371 5274-243

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Frank Weigand

+49 371 5274-226

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Franz Klötzer
+49 371 5274-281


Nets and ropes

  • Nets and ropes
  • Net and rope developments from high performance fibres
  • Nets for Protection and safety, cargo nets
  • Nets for aquaculture
  • Nets for securing loads in transport vehicles
  • Safety nets for bridge railings
  • Ropes for traction and carrying equipment as well as for special applications

Your Contact

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Frank Weigand

+49 371 5274-226

Dipl.-Ing. Corinna Falck
+49 371 5274-252

Uwe Metzner

+49 371 5274-212

Sebastian Jobst, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-270



Development of textile machines

  • Development of multiaxial technology for series production
  • Development of textile machines for the production of near-net-shape textiles
  • Development of feeding, cutting and positioning technology on warp knitting machines - single yarn feeding
  • Combination of textile technologies
  • test machines for cut resistant tests
  • Development of new textile machines/technologies

Your contact

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Franz Klötzer
+49 371 5274-281

Sebastian Jobst, M. Sc.
+49 371 5274-270

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Metzner
+49 371 5274-212




Fields of application



Research News


Instead of classical, non-degradable and thus durable implant materials, biomedicine is increasingly using bioresorbable materials enabling defect regeneration and supporting the body in self-healing. In the case of bone defects, calcium phosphate bioceramics are advantageous because their chemical composition is close to the mineral phase of the bone matrix – hydroxyapatite (HAP). Since bone tissue is highly anisotropic in structure, research is concentrating on the development of anisotropic bone substitute elements. The focus is on variably dimensionable implants with pore structures that not only allow ingrowth of cells and tissue, but also access by blood capillaries. The aim of this research project was to develop such an implant using textile technology processes.



Dipl.-Phys. Nadine Liebig
+49 371 5274-271

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Art and Technology


Experimental sample of the master's thesis "KOMPLEMENTÄR" (© Theresa Kretsch)
Experimental sample of the master's thesis "KOMPLEMENTÄR" (© Theresa Kretsch)

"In her artistic works, Theresa has shown how wonderfully one can achieve completely new colour effects in the textile surface with only three different yarn colours. The variation of these yarns in arrangement density and layer makes interesting 3D knits possible. You do not need an infinite number of different coloured yarns to bring a great variety of colours into the surface."

Elke Thiele, Manager Technical woven and knitted fabrics at STFI

Under the title "KOMPLEMENTÄR" ("COMPLEMENTARY"), Theresa Kretsch carried out investigations of colour effects in interaction with the structures of knitted fabrics – the STFI supported her in this project. Theresa Kretsch dealt with the effects of the stitch pattern and the properties of the yarn on reflection, absorption and transmission of light in knitted fabrics. She found that the combination of construction-related effects (moire and traversing) with colour effects of complementary contrasts (increase of luminosity / grey formation / flickering) creates knitted fabrics with a holographic effect. The knitted fabrics form a new thematic field in textile design through the way they combine material, structure, effect and dimension.

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