Current Projects
Project Number | Title | Project Duration | Project Manager |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AIF) | |||
22344 BR/1 | C6C8 turn GREEN: Lyophobierung – Fluorfreie Ausrüstung von textilen Flächengebilden | 07/2022–12/2024 | Dr. Ralf Lungwitz |
22914 BR | aux3D – Entwicklung von 3D-Strukturen mit auxetischem Materialverhalten zur Fertigung neuartiger, schaumfreier und gekrümmter Textilien zur Energieabsorption | 05/2023–10/2025 | Sebastian Jobst |
22729 BR | MuNaMo – Multifunktionalsnadelfehlererkennung | 03/2023–02/2025 | Sven Reichel, Manuela Fritzsch |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) | |||
01LZ2004D | KendyrTEX | 07/2021–06/2024 | Ina Sigmund |
03RU1U024B | RUBIO – Regional entrepreneurial alliance for the development of value chains for technical bioplastics in Central Europe | 09/2021–08/2024 | Corinna Falck, Ralf Taubner |
03WIR6008B | WIRreFa – Herstellung von Produkten aus recycelten Fasern | 11/2023–10/2025 | Heike Metschies, Christopher Albe |
03WIR6308F | SeSMoVit-A – Sensor-based protection and monitoring systems for vitality and mobility in old age | 03/2024–10/2026 | Marco Barteld, Theresa Meixner |
66NIB10401 | NIBTEX – Nachhaltig im Beruf durch Etablierung von Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen für das Lehr- und ausbildende Personal in der Textilindustrie | 05/2024–04/2026 | Sandra Döhler |
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) | |||
2222 NR 045E | Luftiflex – Aircraft interiors and semi-structural components made from flexible fibre composites based on renewable raw materials | 10/2024–09/2027 | Michael Eichhorst, Heike Metschies |
2220HV076D | FOHOS – Mouldable wooden surfaces with integrated, selectively visible, non-contact control elements | 08/2022–07/2024 | Franz Klötzer |
2221NR035A | BioCoatTex – Biobasierte Hybridbeschichtungen für Innenraum- und Funktionstextilien | 03/2023–02/2026 | Marco Sallat |
281C505C217 | EnzyWo – Wertsteigerung für deutsche Wollfasern durch Sammlung, Sortierung und nachhaltige nasschemische Veredlung | 04/2023–04/2026 | Ina Sigmund |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–DLR IGF) | |||
22655 BG | Nonwoven pipe – Basic analyses of the correlations between flat needled nonwovens and round needled pipes made from them as well as their possible applications | 02/2023–01/2025 | Tina Borchert, Christopher Albe |
01IF23220N | Sensitex – Sensitive textile surfaces for use as functional skin | 07/2024–12/2026 | Frank Weigand, Jenny Liebelt |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–INNO-KOM/MF) | |||
49MF240015 | LoCoTEX – Development of a learning level-dependent and modular low-code development system | 09/2024–02/2027 | Andreas Böhm |
49MF230127 | Evaluation of textile materials with regard to their resistance against the impact of technical UV radiation focusing on welding protective clothing | 11/2024–04/2027 | Patrick Reinhardt |
49MF240076 | PrüfMesche – Development of a test rig in order to validate fluid absorption of body-hugging textiles for menstrual underwear | 11/2024–04/2027 | Nadine Liebig |
49MF240012 | Robo3DTex – Robot-guided multifunctional 3D printing on textile substrates | 07/2024–12/2026 | Falko Schubert, Tobias Richter |
49MF230084 | BioHighloft – Biobased Highloft Nonwovens | 04/2024–09/2026 | Ralf Taubner |
49MF240008 | Electrostatically dissipative protective clothing for handling and working in highly explosive hydrogen-air mixtures – Development of test, evaluation and design criteria | 05/2024–10/2026 | Christian Vogel |
49MF240053 | Patentable test and evaluation method for electrostatically dissipative properties of conductive yarns | 09/2024–02/2027 | Christian Vogel |
49MF240005 | EcoCore – Innovative nonwovens for hygiene products | 07/2024–11/2026 | Patrick Engel |
49MF230085 | Recoustics – Acoustically effective nonwovens made from textile residues | 07/2024–12/2026 | Johannes Leis, Romy Naumann |
49MF230099 | Sustainable Spunlace Process and Products | 04/2024–06/2026 | Andreas Nestler |
49MF230051 | Laser transmission test method | 04/2024–09/2026 | Dirk Wenzel |
49MF220238 | Textile Rückwandtemperierung – Textilbasierte, selbstregulierende Rückwandtemperierung zur Vermeidung von Schimmelbefall | 05/2023–04/2025 | Manuela Fritzsch |
49MF220237 | IR-Aktivvlies – Entwicklung von textilen Flächen zur Verbesserung der Durchblutung und Regeneration | 07/2023–12/2025 | Mulham Tahhan |
49MF220073 | Entschlichten II – Weiterentwicklung eines Entschlichteverfahrens | 03/2023–05/2025 | Dr. Barbara Schimanz |
49MF220222 | RoboGamiTEX – Positionier- und Fügemodul für großflächige Mehrlagenstrukturen | 07/2023–12/2025 | Falko Schubert, Sebastian Jobst |
49MF220235 | Entwicklung eines normungsfähigen elektrostatischen Ladungstransfer-Elektrodensystems mit Brenngaskorrelation einschließlich einer Prüf- und Bewertungsmethode | 07/2023–06/2025 | Christian Vogel |
49MF220236 | SecTex – Ballistisches Verbundtextil | 05/2023–08/2025 | Barbara Schimanz |
49MF210139 | InMask | 11/2021–07/2024 | Tim Hühnerfürst |
49MF210142 | 3D-Multiaxial-Matte | 11/2021–04/2024 | Nadine Liebig, Sebastian Jobst |
49MF210126 | Assistenzsystem zur laserbasierten Trockenvorbehandlung | 11/2021–04/2024 | Sandra Döhler |
49MF210132 | AKoTEX – Adaptives Tracking-and-Tracing- Assistenzsystem | 12/2021–05/2024 | Andreas Böhm |
49MF220092 | Filamentausrüstung | 11/2022–04/2025 | Uwe Metzner |
49MF220150 | Kapillartextil | 01/2023–04/2025 | Jens Mählmann |
49MF220082 | KIMONO | 11/2022–04/2025 | Marco Barteld |
49MF220130 | RecyClean – Direktverarbeitung von Randstreifen nach dem KEMAFIL®-Verfahren zu Industrie- und Gebäudereinigungstextilien | 11/2022–10/2024 | Johannes Leis, Sebastian Jobst |
49MF230083 | SievBioBelt – Sieve belt for biomaterials | 06/2024–11/2026 | Tim Hühnerfürst |
49MF220142 | Mitwachsende Schuheinlagen | 11/2022–10/2024 | Nadine Liebig, Jens Mählmann |
49MF220135 | TPE-Kunstleder | 11/2022–12/2024 | Dr. Ralf Lungwitz |
49MF220034 | LaserDruckTex | 09/2022–02/2025 | Dirk Wenzel |
49MF220141 | TubeTEX – Entwicklung einer Technologie zur Ummantelung von PET-Schläuchen in Aerosolinnenbehältern | 11/2022–04/2025 | Corinna Falck, Sebastian Jobst |
49MF220138 | WEktroBio | 11/2022–04/2025 | Tim Hühnerfürst |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–INNO-KOM/VF) | |||
49VF230030 | UV-curable foam coatings for Technical Textiles | 05/2024–10/2026 | Dr. Ralf Lungwitz |
49VF240012 | Development of biodegradable textile coatings | 10/2024–03/2027 | Marco Sallat, Lydia Seiferth |
49VF230037 | AddiLaserRepair – Additive repair process with laser pre-treatment for textile-reinforced lightweight construction | 08/2024–01/2027 | Dirk Wenzel, Tobias Richter |
49VF240007 | HotHemp – Significant improvement of hemp bast laminates‘ mechanical properties through chemical-thermal reduction of the biological matrix content | 06/2024–11/2026 | Michael Eichhorst, Dr. Ralf Lungwitz |
49VF210047 | Laserfix – Laserfixierung von topologisch gestalteten Faservliesen | 03/2021–08/2024 | Dr. Barbara Schimanz, Dirk Wenzel |
49VF220059 | VliesComp12 – PA12 staple fibres for nonwoven-based hybrid materials | 08/2023–01/2026 | Christopher Albe, Katrin Jobke |
49VF210027 | FaLoNa | 11/2021–04/2024 | Christopher Albe |
49VF210048 | LAVA | 11/2021–04/2024 | Dr. Steffen Seeger |
49VF210040 | Biologisch abbaubare Textilausrüstungen | 12/2021–04/2024 | Dr. Marén Gültner |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–Mittelstand-Digital) | |||
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe „Vertikale Integration und vernetzte Produktionsketten“ | 03/2023–02/2026 | Dirk Zschenderlein, Sandra Döhler | |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–LuFo Klima) | |||
20E2116B | HIOS – Hochorientierte Organobleche für Sekundärstrukturen | 07/2022–06/2025 | Christopher Albe, Katrin Jobke |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–TTP LB) | |||
03LB2062 | INSIDE – Individually controllable seat and interior heating using digital manufacturing processes in order to develop an efficient, zone-specific heating system for future-oriented electric mobility | 07/2022–06/2026 | Tobias Richter |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK–ZIM) | |||
16KN115133 | DekubiSock – Development of a stocking with peristaltic effect to prevent decubitus | 11/2024–04/2027 | Jenny Liebelt, Nadine Liebig |
KK5081720CI4 | Development of production, packing and laying technologies for extremely coarse mat structures made of hay strands for the greening and renaturalisation of erosion-prone slopes | 11/2024–04/2027 | Franz Klötzer, Sebastian Jobst |
KK5081705RU | LinearKEMAFIL®– Entwicklung textiltechnologischer Grundlagen und Lösungsprinzipien | 08/2021–07/2024 | Uwe Metzner |
KK5081718VB3 | ERMED – Development of a novel textile X-ray protection material to relieve medical staff and patients | 04/2024–06/2026 | Corinna Falck |
KK5081704SA | Porenarme Schalelemente | 08/2021–07/2024 | Heike Metschies |
KK5081707CS1 | ThermaPi – Entwicklung eines Sportgurtes auf Basis von modulierten Mittelfrequenzen EMA | 11/2022–04/2025 | Nadine Liebig |
KK5081708AD1 | Revolvergatter | 11/2022–04/2024 | Sebastian Jobst |
KK5081706WO1 | 3D-Druck auf vorgespannte Laminate | 10/2022–09/2024 | Dr. Sarah Lysann Zedler |
KK5081715EB3 | FlexBrandTex – Entwicklung von textilbasierten Brandschutzsystemen mit Kombination aus Formflexibilität und hoher mechanischer Widerstandsfähigkeit | 06/2023–11/2025 | Corinna Falck, Manuela Fritzsch |
16KN079436 | LoggTex – Keilerschutzhosen | 11/2022–04/2024 | Franz Klötzer |
16KN089723 | AktiSup – Method for the application and integration of novel strain-stiffening structures in bandages | 11/2022–04/2025 | Theresa Meixner, Jenny Liebelt |
16KN096936 | KAKÜ – Körperabsaugungs- und Kühlkleidung | 09/2023–08/2025 | Yvette Dietzel |
16KN114325 | Bodenfilter – Entwicklung des Verfahrens zur Analytik von Mikroplastik im Wasser und im Boden sowie Ableitung von technischen Anforderungen an das Filtertextil | 09/2023–08/2025 | Jens Mählmann |
KK5081713RF2 | Flexi-Flügel-Rad-System – Entwicklung einer adaptiven, situativ und schnell einsetzbaren Zusatzeinrichtung zu einer Felge für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Fahrzeuge | 04/2023–03/2025 | Franz Klötzer |
16KN102127 | INTAKE | 10/2022–09/2024 | Marco Barteld, Frank Weigand |
KK5081716BA3 | Entwicklung und Optimierung eines innovativen Dachbiofilters | 05/2023–04/2026 | Jens Mählmann, Ralf Taubner |
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action – Others | |||
16PS104001 | HuminTex – Humic substances for the antiviral functionalisation of ecologically sustainable nonwovens for respiratory masks | 01/2023–12/2024 | Marco Sallat |
16PS101303 | MeInPak – Entwicklung von nachhaltigen, mehrlagigen und wiederaufbereitbaren | 01/2023–12/2024 | Dr. Ralf Lungwitz |
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) | |||
39549/01-21 | Reduction of emissions at textile finishing lines by environmentally conscious development of formulations and flexibly controlled, modular exhaust air purification | 07/2024–07/2026 | Marco Sallat |
European Union (EU) | |||
297 EBR/1 | ReCarboSize | 10/2021–08/2024 | Romy Naumann |
953206 | BIONANOPOLYS | 01/2021–12/2024 | Dr. Anna Große |
101057394 | MC4 – Multi-level Circular Process Chain for Carbon and Glass Fibre Composites | 04/2022–03/2025 | Romy Naumann |
Development Bank of Saxony (SAB) | |||
100702962 | CannaPul – Development of sustainable profile structures from renewable raw materials | 05/2024–06/2026 | Heike Metschies, Sebastian Jobst |
Development Bank of Thuringia (TAB) | |||
2023LFE0002 | biogas4textile – Concept for the combination of wool washing, plant fibre opening with biogas plant | 08/2023–01/2025 | Ina Sigmund |