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Faszination Textil

STFI Akademie

Seminars and workshops

The Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. offers all customers and interested persons further education seminars and training courses in a variety of areas. Thus, we focus as far as possible on your wishes and needs. Our experts will be happy to coordinate the training content with you.

Depending on scope and content, seminars are held as one-day or multi-day seminars. Participants receive extensive training and further information material. The theoretical approach takes place in modernly equipped consultation rooms, the practical realisation and demonstrations are carried out directly on the systems or in the laboratories. For more information, please contact us and let us know what your requirements are.

Courses by futureTEX Management GmbH

As a comprehensive training package consisting of theory and practice, the seminar Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides you with detailed information and specialist know-how about all the main types of protective clothing. In addition to general requirements, all the requirement standards mentioned are presented in detail. Based on case studies, we would also be happy to discuss your specific questions and problems. The second day offers you exciting insights into our laboratories. In demonstrations of various test methods, you can experience first-hand the protective effect of textiles when exposed to flames, metal splashes or chemicals.

  • General requirements for personal protective equipment EN ISO 13688
  • Heat and welding clothing and flame retardant clothing EN ISO 11611,
    EN ISO 11612, EN ISO 14116
  • Warning and weather protection clothing EN ISO 20471, EN 343, EN 14058
  • Chemical protection EN 13034
  • Electrostatic protective clothing EN 1149 series
  • Arc flash protective clothing IEC 61482 series

This seminar is aimed at manufacturers, suppliers, textile service and safety specialists who need comprehensive knowledge of laws and guidelines as well as the content and requirements of protective clothing standards.

Date15 - 16 April 2025
ScheduleDay 1: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Day 2: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
VenueSächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz
Fee770 EUR (plus VAT.)
OthersThe participation fee includes comprehensive training materials and you will receive a certificate of attendance for your records. Drinks and lunch snacks are available on both days.

The number of participants is limited to 15 persons!




Courses by STFI

This seminar provides an overview of the special field of nonwovens. The two-day event is aimed as a training seminar for the nonwovens manufacturing and processing industry and textile machine construction.

  • Introduction: definition of terms, statistical data
  • Textile fibers: natural fibres, chemical fibres, high-performance fibres
  • Manufacturing process: web formation, web consolidation
  • Nonwoven finishing: mechanical, chemical, thermal
  • Testing and certification of technical textiles

The seminar includes a tour through the STFI's Center of Excellence of Nonwovens (spunbonding systems, the technical centre for fibre nonwovens, the technical centre for finishing and the test laboratory).


Date18 - 19 March 2025
ScheduleDay 1: 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Day 2: 8.30 am - 3.00 pm
VenueSächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz
Fee770 EUR (plus VAT.)
OthersThe seminar includes extensive training documents. Furthermore, you will receive a certificate of attendance for your documents. Drinks and a lunchtime snack will be available on both days.

The number of participants is limited to 20 persons!

(This seminar will be held in German!)

Customised production of textiles with extended printed functionalities is made possible by the clever combination of conventional and digital manufacturing principles. In the futureTEX research and test field "Textile factory of the future" at the STFI, we show you possible ways of how such a production can look like.

The workshop will be held over two half days providing insight into the production of functional functions by printing and conveys theoretical and practical information in three subject areas:

  • From colour to function – Introduction of the processes and their application for the production of functional coatings
  • Light as a tool – UV curing and laser structuring
  • Functional printing for technical textiles – applications and news from research

Functional printing offers the possibility of creating functionalities through the combination of material and structural properties. The STFI works together with companies on a wide variety of processes and process combinations for the production of these functional layers. We look forward to experiencing the future of textile production with you and perhaps developing it further.


ScheduleDay 1: 9.00 am - 2.30 pm
Day 2: 9.30 am - 2.30 pm
VenueSächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
Annaberger Straße 240
09125 Chemnitz
OthersThe participation fee includes extensive digital training documents and you will receive a certificate of participation for your documents. Participation in the Labtour on the second day of the event is free of charge.

(This workshop will be held in German!)

Dates / Registration

18 - 19 March 2025 – Seminar Nonwovens

15 - 16 April 2025 – Seminar PPE

Organisation & Registration

Alexandra Köhler
Public Relations
+49 371 5274-200

Dipl.-Des. (FH) Berit Lenk
Public Relations
+49 371 5274-198


Please select date and number of people you would like to register for the course.

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Email for invoice (if different from the one above)
The invoice will be sent via email. Please enter your email for the invoice, if it differs from the one already provided above.
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