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Faszination Textil

Collaborative training at STFI

Textile chemistry

Trainees gain a broad insight into the textile industry at STFI. Our subject-related modules can complement or deepen important training focal points.

We offer all modules as a basic programme, intensive programme or completely individually, in terms of time and content, according to your wishes.

Due to the number of trainees and the duration of the course, the associated costs may vary. Please feel free to contact us for a non-binding offer.

We would be pleased to welcome trainees from your company to one of our training courses.



This module supports your trainees specifically in the field of textile chemistry.

Within the framework of the training curriculum, we have the opportunity to teach the requirements of the following learning fields theoretically and practically:

  • Investigating the structure and properties of water and liquors (learning field 7)
  • Carrying out quantitative analyses (learning field 11)
  • Examine substances qualitatively and quantitatively (learning field 13)

The duration of the course is two weeks. We recommend participation in a third week to deepen and consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

The following focal points are taught in the module "Textile Chemistry":

Dealing with hazardous substances

- Protective measures
- Instruction
- Storage and transport
- Disposal


Carrying out quantitative fibre analyses

- Introduction to the tests according to DIN EN 1833
- Preparation of the fibre mixtures to be separated (extraction/washing)
- Preparation of solutions
- Separation methods (preferably: PA-formic acid; CO-sulphuric acid; WO- chlorine lye)
- Evaluation and calculation
- Checking the results by microscopy


Quantitative determination of deposits and accompanying substances by extraction

- Introduction to the topic of extraction
- Execution
- Evaluation


Carrying out photometric and thin-layer chromatographic determinations

- Theory photometry (Lambert-Beersche's law)
- Procedure for determining water hardness or phosphate content)
- Extraction of a coloured tissue
- Separation of the dye and qualitative analysis by means of thin-layer chromatography
- Theory Chromatographic separation methods (mobile, stationary phase)


Determination of harmful substances (oxidising/ reducing agents) on textiles

- damaged and undamaged cellulosic fibres/surfaces are examined using various methods (pH,
  iodine-potassium paper or indicators) for oxidising or reducing substances



The trainees participating in the module should be in their 2nd or 3rd year of apprenticeship in order to be able to build on the basic knowledge acquired at the vocational school.


Your Contact

Jens Stopp, Master Textile Technology
Head of STFI Akademie
+49 371 5274-1315

Denise Braun
Deputy Head of STFI Akademie
+49 371 5274-251




Did you already know?

You can receive funding from the Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) for contract training as part of a joint training programme.

We will support you in applying for the funding.

Contact us to find out more information about funding opportunities.

For more information, click on the link below to SAB collaborative training.



STFI is listed as a joint training partner in the field of textiles and clothing at the Chemnitz Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

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