Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
Your partner for research, development and consulting
Our institute is a non-profit research institution in the Free State of Saxony, committed to the long-standing traditions of Saxon textile research. Our process- and product-related R&D work reflects classical textile technologies as well as innovative, unconventional solutions for the broadest range of applications. We cultivate exchange with companies and research institutions in Germany and abroad and support companies in the regional textile industry with our know-how.
We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular the International Bill of Human Rights and ILO core labour standards, and we advocate compliance with them.
Information on the foundation and development of our institute
The STFI – Facts and Figures
Facts and figures about our institute
Our Committees
Companies, clubs, associations, research institutions – the members of the various STFI committees
Information on participation in bodies, associations and committees
Teaching activities
Information on the teaching activities of STFI staff at universities and other educational institutions
Overview of the structure of the Institute with research departments and services
Affiliated Institute
Exchanging knowledge and realising projects – the STFI has been an affiliated institute of the TU Chemnitz since 2006
Administration and Project Controlling
As a cross-sectional unit in the Institute, the administration supports STFI research departments and services
All contact persons of the different institute areas of the STFI at a glance