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Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.


On 17 February 1992, the two research institutes Forschungsinstitut für Textiltechnologie GmbH (FIFT) in Chemnitz and Institut für Technische Textilien GmbH (ITT) in Dresden joined forces and founded the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI), registered in the Register of Associations of the City of Chemnitz (VR 960). 24 companies and institutions of the textile industry in the Free State of Saxony and the city of Chemnitz were involved in the foundation with significant participation of the Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V.. With the foundation of the association as a sponsor and the merger of both institutes under one roof, the long-standing joint research work in the STFI finds its continuation.



Foundation of the institute by 27 companies and institutions of the textile industry in the Free State of Saxony and the city of Chemnitz.

Preceding institutions were the Research Institute for Textile Technology (FIFT) in Chemnitz and the Institute for Technical Textiles GmbH (ITT) in Dresden





Foundation of the Center of Excellence in Nonwovens

In the evaluation, the predecessor institutes were certified as having a high level of competence in the field of nonwovens.

As a result, the areas of staple fibre nonwovens with the bonding processes of stitch-bonding and hydroentanglement, spunbonded nonwovens with thermobonding, textile recycling with a focus on the tearing process were expanded.




Under Prof. Holger Erth (Managing Director STFI), the STFI becomes an affiliated institute of the TU Chemnitz.

Both institutions combine their professional competences. This benefits teaching and research in the fields bordering on textile research, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information technology, natural sciences and mathematics. Thus, numerous joint research projects in the field of "technical textiles" have been successfully realised in the past.




Launch of the "Center for Textile Lightweight Engineering"

What began with the establishment of the Carbon Fibre Technical Centre, the Fibre Composite Technical Centre and a test laboratory for lightweight structures has found space under one roof.

In the Center for Textile Lightweight Engineering, reinforcement materials in different matrix systems are examined. The recycling of high-performance materials also drives the researchers, for example carbon fibres.



30 years of Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
The anniversary was celebrated in the newly built "Center for Textile Sustainability". In addition to the festive ceremony on 10 May 2022, there were many other highlights during this eventful week of celebrations.









Start of business activities under the first Executive Director of the STFI Prof. Hilmar Fuchs.

Only 60 of the 600 employees of the two predecessor institutions can be taken over. On 14 May 1993, the STFI was entered in the register of associations.






New construction and inauguration of the spunbond technical centre with commissioning of the spunbond line Reicofil® 4 (sponsoring), which has been continuously expanded since then.

REIFENHÄUSER has been a licensee of the spunbond process developed at ITT GmbH since 1976. No European or international research institute has comparable technical equipment.





Launch of the Twenty20 project "futureTEX – A future model for the textile industry"
futureTEX is an interdisciplinary competence network of industry and research partners,
coordinated by the STFI. It supports the transformation of the tradition-rich textile industry in the age of digitalisation into a sustainable industry player – with technical textiles as its foundation.





Laying of the foundation stone for the "Center for Textile Sustainability"
The enlargement of the research institute creates space for new facilities and expands the competences in the field of textile recycling and testing.


Foundation of the institute by 27 companies and institutions of the textile industry in the Free State of Saxony and the city of Chemnitz

Predecessor institutions were the Research Institute for Textile Technology (FIFT) in Chemnitz and the Institute for Technical Textiles GmbH (ITT) in Dresden





Start of business activities under the first Executive Director of the STFI Prof. Hilmar Fuchs.


Only 60 of the 600 employees of the two predecessor institutions can be taken over. On 14 May 1993, the STFI was entered in the register of associations.




Foundation of the Center of Excellence in Nonwovens

In the evaluation, the predecessor institutes were certified as having a high level of competence in the field of nonwovens.

As a result, the areas of staple fibre nonwovens with the bonding processes of stitch-bonding and hydroentanglement, spunbonded nonwovens with thermobonding, textile recycling with a focus on the tearing process were expanded.




New construction and inauguration of the spunbond technical centre with commissioning of the spunbond line Reicofil® 4 (sponsoring), which has been continuously expanded since then.


REIFENHÄUSER has been a licensee of the spunbond process developed at ITT GmbH since 1976. No European or international research institute has comparable technical equipment.




Under Prof. Holger Erth (Managing Director STFI), the STFI becomes an affiliated institute of the TU Chemnitz.

Both institutions combine their professional competences. This benefits teaching and research in the fields bordering on textile research, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information technology, natural sciences and mathematics. Thus, numerous joint research projects in the field of "technical textiles" have been successfully realised in the past.




Launch of the Twenty20 project "futureTEX – A future model for the textile industry"

futureTEX is an interdisciplinary competence network of industry and research partners,
coordinated by the STFI. It supports the transformation of the tradition-rich textile industry in the age of digitalisation into a sustainable industry player – with technical textiles as its foundation.




Launch of the "Center for Textile Lightweight Engineering"

What began with the establishment of the Carbon Fibre Technical Centre, the Fibre Composite Technical Centre and a test laboratory for lightweight structures has found space under one roof.

In the Center for Textile Lightweight Engineering, reinforcement materials in different matrix systems are examined. The recycling of high-performance materials also drives the researchers, for example carbon fibres.



Laying of the foundation stone for the "Center for Textile Sustainability"
The enlargement of the research institute creates space for new facilities and expands the competences in the field of textile recycling and testing.




30 years of Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.
The anniversary was celebrated in the newly built "Center for Textile Sustainability". In addition to the festive ceremony on 10 May 2022, there were many other highlights during this eventful week of celebrations.




Moments and impressions on our way to 30 years of STFI

And this is how it all began: the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) in 1992.
And this is how it all began: the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) in 1992.

Das ist Hightech der 90er: Eine Highspeed-Kamera im Einsatz.

Textilprüfung am STFI: So sah Faserprüfung 1993 aus.

Kunst und Technik – Exponate auf dem Filtersymposium 2008

Einweihung des Spinnvlies-Technikums am STFI (2005)
The STFI at GaLaBau in 2000
The STFI at GaLaBau in 2000
"Late shift" at STFI in 2013 – An excursion through the world of technical woven and knitted fabrics.
"Late shift" at STFI in 2013 – An excursion through the world of technical woven and knitted fabrics.



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