Functionalisation I Composites
Processes, Technologies, Products
Technical textiles achieve their tailor-made properties by surface functionalization like finishing, coating, functional printing or laser structuring as well as joining technologies like lamination. Developing novel products is always an interaction of material selection, structure engineering and manufacturing process as well as a close look on ecology and chemical analytics. In cooperation with the STFI research and testing field "Textile Factory of the Future" manufacturing processes are being further developed regarding to the realization of a complete value chain.
Any questions?
Your contact
Dr. rer. nat.
Ralf Lungwitz
Manager Functionalisation I Composites
Phone: +49 371 5274-248
Functional Finishing and Coating
- Direct and transfer coating (knife-over-air, knife-over-roller)
- Impregnation by padding
- Low add-on technologies (reverse roll coating, slot die coating)
- Foam-coating
Your contact
Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz Tobias Richter, M. Sc. |
Hotmelt and UV-curing
- Hotmelt compounding
- Hotmelt roller application (fully and patterned) for lamination and coating
- Hotmelt extrusion coating (slot die coating)
- UV-curing (UV-LED emitters at wavelengths 365 nm, 395 nm; Fe-doped Hg medium pressure emitter)
Your contact
Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz |
Functional printing
- Screen printing (flat bed)
- 3D material application (3D printing, thermoplastic and liquid)
- Micro valve printing
- Inkjet printing
- Engineering, design in 2D and 3D
Your contact
Dr.-Ing. Sarah Lysann Zedler Tobias Richter, M. Sc. |
- UV-Laser (wavelength 355 nm)
- IR-Laser (wavelength 10,6 µm)
- Cutting, surface patterning, surface cleaning
- Test procedures for testing textiles against Laser radiation
Your contact
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dirk Wenzel |
Textile composites
- Thermoplastic adhesives
- Dispersion adhesives
- Composite engineering for personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Artificial leather and decors
Your contact
Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz |
Ecology & environment
- Material development (bio-based raw materials)
- Application of Encymes and proteins
- Microplastics origin and containment
- Environmental analysis (water, waste water, exhaust air)
- Protection against chemicals (permeation), cytostatics and pesticides
- Analysis of harmful substances (e.g. heavy metals, arylamines, phthalates, solvent residues)
Your contact
Dipl.-Ing. Marco Sallat Dr. rer. nat. Antje Melzer | Lydia Seiferth, M. Sc.
Materials and their characterisation
- Dispersing
- Hotmelt compounding
- Chemical-physical material characterisation
(Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Rheology (Hotmelts, Dispersion),
Contact Angle Measurement, dynamic surface tension, drop analysis for Inkjet printing)
Your contact
Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz Tobias Richter, M. Sc. | Dipl.-Ing. Marco Sallat Lydia Seiferth, M. Sc. |
Fields of application
Research News
The objectives of the project are the development of conductive carbon black (carbon) and copper (copper) based formulations, which enable the generation of electrically conductive, dissipative and sensory structures on textile substrates and represent a significantly more cost-effective alternative to silver-based systems. In addition, the focus is on the development of single-layer and multilayer structures, taking into account textile-ink interaction and film formation between copper and carbon black layers.
Tobias Richter, M. Sc
+49 371 5274-285
C6C8 turn GREEN – An ecological alternative for fluorocarbon finishing
The demand for permanent water-, dirt- and oil-repellent properties of functional textiles is achieved according to the current state of the art by application with fluorinated polymers (FP) or per- or polyfluorinated low molecular weight chemicals (PFC).
The beneficial properties achieved with FP on textiles are offset by ecological and human ecological risks. Currently, leading manufacturers of textile auxiliaries are engaged in the development of high-performance fluorine-free products. Unfortunately, studies show that these products do not meet the requirements in the area of oil repellency compared to fluorocarbon finishing. With the development of fluorine-free surface modifiers, the project aims at a sustainable finishing of textiles without limiting their functional properties. Ultrahydrophobic, oil-repellent and soil-repellent textile finishes are to be synthesised and applied according to a novel concept. The developments are aimed at small or medium-sized companies in the field of technical textiles, HOMETECH, PORTTECH, MEDTECH, PROTECH, MOBILTECH. With the use of functional finishes, these companies are to expand their business using their core competences.
Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Lungwitz
+49 371 5274-248