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Energy crisis and difficult conditions hit textile research industry hard

Representatives of German Party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN visit STFI


The energy crisis is plunging the German textile industry in 2022 into the most severe crisis since the 1980s and 1990s, when production in Western Europe largely collapsed and migrated on a large scale. Nonprofit textile research is no less affected by current price trends and limited raw material availability. To highlight the precarious situation, STFI is currently seeking dialogue with local political representatives. On October 28, 2022, Bernhard Herrmann, Member of the German Parliament, and Gerhard Liebscher, Member of the Saxony Parliament, from the German Party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN visited the STFI to gather information on the situation of textile research.

Hof Nonwovens Days and Chemnitz Textile Technology Conference

The STFI on site with stand and exciting project presentations


The successful 61st Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn, at which our long-standing Executive Director and Chairman of the Board Prof. Fuchs was honoured with the Life Time Award, was followed by the 35th Hof Nonwovens Days and the Chemnitz Textile Technology Conference. STFI also presented itself at both events with an own stand and presentations on the Institute's projects.

HPF Garnitur

16.08.2022Research reports

Improved quality for nonwovens made from high-performance fibres and longer lifetime due to optimised card clothing and adapted online control as well as integration of the online wear analysis into the process and developing of an industrial adapted version

As part of the futureTex project HPF Garnitur, a digital monitoring system was developed that analyses the wear of card clothing. In the sense of Industry 4.0, this enables maintenance-optimised process control, so that the necessity of the upcoming clothing change can first be checked online.

Techtextil Innovation Award for bio-based hygiene nonwovens


At this year's Techtextil, Patrick Engel, head of Center of Excellence in Nonwovens, and his colleagues achieved the Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Concept" category. In cooperation with Kelheim Fibres GmbH and Sumo GmbH, he received the award for the development of a bio-based hygiene nonwoven – a good example of how research and industry are breaking new ground in sustainability through collaboration in an open innovation approach.

A visit to the SOS Children's Village Saxony in Zwickau

Donation certificate handed over


The SOS Children's Village in Zwickau was once again close to our hearts in our anniversary year 2022. Instead of a sea of flowers, we wanted our anniversary guests and well-wishers to make a donation to the SOS Children's Village in Zwickau. The amount collected makes us speechless and happy at the same time. On 20th of July 2022, Dr. Illing-Günther, Managing Director, as well as Berit Lenk and Kareen Pfab from the Public Relations team visited the Children's Village and handed the 6.930 € donation to Susann Pohle, head of the Children's Village, and Berthold Grenz. The money will be used to support the research station and the Children's Village's own bee project.

STFI at Techtextil 2022


"Beyond innovation" was the motto of this year's Techtextil which took place at the Frankfurt exhibition centre from 21 to 24 June 2022. Around 63,000 visitors enjoyed the entire spectrum of technical textiles, functional apparel textiles and textile technologies presented by 2,300 exhibitors. Parallel to Techtextil, Texprocess, and this year, for the first time, the international trade fair for home and contract textiles Heimtextil, were held at the same time.

GRO COCE – Green organic reinforces high performance Timber Concrete Composite Slab

25.04.2022Research reports

The aim of the project was the development of an innovative ceiling system based on Timber Concrete Composite construction (TCC construction) by combining sustainable building products and construction methods. Thus, an economically and ecologically advantageous alternative to the currently prevailing, energyand resource-intensive slab constructions made of reinforced concrete has been developed.

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