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Review Techtextil 2024


Under the motto "Shifting the Limits", Techtextil and Texprocess took place from 23 to 26 April 2024 at the Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre. 38,000 visitors came to the industry's most important international marketplace to find out about product innovations along the textile value chain. Under the new motto "Fascination Textile", STFI presented the results and demonstrators of research and development work for tomorrow's high-end textile products and solutions.

Techtextil 2024

STFI presents fascinating highlights of textile research from 23 to 26 April 2024 at Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main.


STFI will be presenting fascinating, high-end textile products and solutions of tomorrow at Techtextil 2024. The highlights from current research results and innovations provide an insight into the digitalisa-tion of textile production, show applications for 3D printing and smart technical textiles and provide examples of particularly sustainably designed products as well as innovative approaches for protective and medical textiles.

JEC World – Leading international trade fair for lightweight construction

STFI presents lightweight construction innovations at JEC World in Paris from 5 to 7 March 2024


At this year's JEC World, STFI will be presenting highlights from carbon fibre recycling as well as a new approach to hemp-based bast fibres, which have promising properties as reinforcement in lightweight construction. Visit us at the joint stand of the Saxony Economic Development Corporation and talk to our team of lightweight construction experts.

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