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Internationale Zusammenarbeit I Transfer


Multi-level Circular Process Chain for Carbon and Glass Fibre Composites

MC4 (Multi-level Circular Process Chain for Carbon and Glass Fibre Composites) is a European project to promote circular approaches for carbon and glass fibre composites. These materials are indispensable in many technical applications due to their light weight and high mechanical properties. However, the European carbon and glass fibre value chains need to become more environmentally and economically efficient.

Currently, up to 40 % of the material is not used in the production process and 98% of composite components end up in landfill after 15 to 30 years of use. With an annual consumption of 110,000 tonnes of carbon fibre and 4.5 million tonnes of glass fibre, the environmental footprint is significant. In addition, Europe's competitiveness needs to be strengthened as 80 % of new carbon and glass fibres have to be produced and imported outside Europe.


Your contact

Dr. rer. nat. Anna Große
International Cooperation I Transfer
+49 371 5274-282



Dipl.-Ing. Romy Naumann
International Cooperation I Transfer
+49 371 5274-186



General information


Profactor GmbH (AUT)

Technology area

Materials engineering, Circular Economy, Recycling

Application area

Building industry, lightweight construction, aerospace, automotive industry, boat building, sports equipment, transport sector

Short description

Components made of carbon and glass fibre composites are essential for numerous technical applications, but difficult to recycle. In addition, during the production of composite parts, waste is produced that can be reintroduced into the production process for other components. The project investigates circular approaches for the reuse of carbon and glass fibre composites and develops process technologies and quality assurance methods that enable the economic recycling of carbon and glass fibre components. MC4 will focus on different reuse and recycling processes along the life cycle of composite parts. These include:

  • Chemical recycling technologies for economically efficient separation of matrix and carbon fibres from composite parts
  • Processing technologies for the reuse of prepreg waste from the production process (e.g. cutting)
  • Mechanical recycling processes for components made of glass fibre composites for direct reuse of the material in new components
  • New resins for improved recyclability of fibreglass components
  • Technologies for processing recycled carbon fibres to produce yarns, fabrics and nonwovens for composite components
  • Quality assurance methods for the characterisation of recycled glass and carbon fibre materials.

Project duration

01 April 2022 – 31 March 2025

Project partner

  • 3B-the fibreglass company
  • Amura S.L. – Amura Naútica
  • CEA
  • CHOMARAT Group
  • FIDAMC – Fundación para la Investigación, Desarrollo y aplicación
    de los Materiales Compuestos
  • GAIKER Centro Tecnológico


  • i-RED Infrarot Systeme GmbH
  • IRES
  • LAB23 Street Furniture
  • Managing Composites SL
  • Noma Resins sp.zo.o.
  • VDL Fibertech Industries B.V.


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