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Newly elected board member of the Association of Innovative Enterprises e.V.: Hendrik Beier (Source: VIU)
Newly elected board member of the Association of Innovative Enterprises e.V.: Hendrik Beier (Source: VIU)

Association Innovativer Unternehmen e.V. with new board of directors

Hendrik Beier, Deputy Managing Director of STFI, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Innovative Companies (VIU), Berlin, on July 6, 2023. With the completely newly elected board, the VIU heralds the generation change in order to position itself strongly for the future. As Chairman of the Board, Dr. Sebastian Ortmann, Managing Director of ICM (Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.), Chemnitz, will continue the successful work of Dr. Ralf Bauer in the future. The aim is to strengthen the association, which is committed to applied research, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Founded in 1992, the VIU stands for the strengthening of industrial research and the efficient market introduction of innovations in industrial SMEs. It represents the interests of researching SMEs and non-profit, external, non-grant-funded industrial research institutions and is the only business association that explicitly advocates the development and strengthening of industrial research potential, including in small companies.

STFI is one of the founding institutions of the VIU.

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