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Research reports
Von: Christopher Albe


Inductive desizing of carbon fibres for economic recycling

In the course of the project, a technical prototype for the desizing of carbon fibres was developed. In this process, the electrical conductivity of the fibres was exploited. By coupling inductive energy into the fibres, small ring currents are generated which lead to homogeneous resistive heating of the textile semi-finished products. In this way, desizing temperatures of over 400°C can be achieved in just a few seconds. This results in significant advantages in the standardisation of fabric properties, especially through the recycling of sizing-heterogeneous carbon fibre blends. Building on the results, further work will be carried out through research topics and student work to further raise the technology readiness level.

The research project "CarboDesize – Inductive Desizing of Carbon Fibres" was implemented in the area of Textile Lightweight Engineering at STFI together with the partners Nomaco GmbH, Cobes GmbH and the Chair of Forming and Joining at Chemnitz University of Technology.


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