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Faszination Textil
Von: Thomas Bengel

Kick-off meeting of the project Falona

On 06.12.2021, the kick-off meeting of the BMWi-funded project "Falona " (INNO-KOM, project no. 49VF210027) took place. In cooperation with the Faserinstitut Bremen e.V., the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. is investigating the orientation of magnetised fibres. The aim is to optimise the fibre orientation in the carded fibre web by reorienting the fibres in a magnetic field. Two different research approaches are being investigated as part of the project.

STFI is looking at the magnetisation of high-performance fibres - especially recycled carbon fibres - by applying a magnetisable liquid. FIBRE is investigating hollow fibres which are filled with a magnetisable liquid. In the first approach, a fibre auxiliary modified with magnetisable particles is applied to the dry fibre web, while in the second approach the liquid is inserted into the thermoplastic hollow fibres in a spinning process.  The modified fibres are then further processed in a carding process and the fibre web is reoriented in a magnetic field.

The INNO-KOM project (project no. 49VF120027) is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.

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